About Us

We kicked Green Man off in the spring of 2019, a blissful pre-covid world. Since then we’ve turned into a well oiled green machine, not only overcoming the challenges covid brought but managing to expand and grow thanks to our amazing client base, support from family and friends, and of course a lot of hard work! We feel this is a reflection of our want to continually develop and learn as professionals, to ensure our delivery of work is the safest and most environmentally sound for our clients.  

Our Legal Certifications

We hold all relevant and up to date insurances and licences

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Tom has been working as a professional arborist for 13 years, he gained all necessary qualifications from Merrist Wood college and loves the work he does. After working as a grounds person for 4 years he turned his hand to climbing and never looked back (or down!). He pursued tree work following his countryside management diploma. This gives him a great insight into the environment surrounding the trees we work on, as consideration for wider ecosystemic processes are always considered. He is an aspiring mycologist and keen forager with a real love for all things outdoors.


Holly has been working as an arborist for 4 years. Having graduated from university with a bachelor of science she gained some experience in the field then decided to begin her masters in forestry. This was through Bangor University, leaders in the forestry profession; this is ongoing whilst running the business. Holly is also a member of the institute of chartered foresters and the Arboricultural association, this way we stay updated with the latest industry practices.

Together we run GMTC with our arbdog Bear!

Why the Green Man?

The symbol of the Green Man dates back centuries and has many different meanings depending on religious, cultural and geographical factors. The most common belief is that the Green Man symbolises rebirth, and the cycle of growth. This theory dates back to the Celts with the symbolism of the recognisable Green Man being found in many places such as cathedrals and old pubs or inns.

To many he represents a figure who is an Environmental guardian “the keeper of the forests and woods”. Some believe that “if you walk within a forest of ancient woodland and get the feeling you’re not alone, the chances are he is with you. He’s been with mankind from the start and now is around us more than ever helping us to make contact with our natural environment and stop destroying our ever fragile world.”

We chose the Green Man as our emblem due to the history and meaning behind the face. We believe that our views towards protecting trees, woodlands and forests align with that of the Green Man. The green man is also reflective of our obsession with folk/plantlore, something you’ll see is a recurring theme on our socials! Although some see arboriculture simply as the removal of trees, this is not the case. Maintenance and management of existing trees are of huge importance at Green Man and we would always push for a solution to benefit both customers and the environment.

So next time you find yourself in woodlands have a look out for us, because the Green Man will be there 🌳🌲